Stop CP

Call Summaries

  • Next Study Coordinators Call:
    Wednesday, June 7th at 3pm Eastern


  • Monitoring Plan
  • Monitoring Guidelines

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it okay to send cryovials with less than 0.5mL?

Yes, but this is not ideal. Note these occurrences on the REDCap Blood Collection form by indicating the vial barcode number that has less than 0.5mLs.

What if I can’t collect any blood from the participant?

After T0 is collected at least one more sample must be obtained within the protocol specified timeframe for the participant to remain in the study. An attempt to obtain a second sample can be made by a separate venipuncture. The second attempt must be made within the timeframe for collection (~3 hour window) outlined in the study protocol.

A patient presents with troponin from another hospital/facility where they had troponin drawn at the other facility and have their results with them. The troponin is ordered at the site ED, but not drawn yet. Does the hour window for enrollment and T0 start at collection time here or is the patient already out of window since they had a troponin drawn earlier at the other facility?

This patient is ineligible unless serial troponins are ordered at the hospital within the protocol specified timeframe.

If a patient presents to ED and is admitted during the time of study draws is the patient still eligible?

The patient must be consented prior to admission to be eligible for the study. At least two blood draws must be collected for them to remain in the study.