The purpose of the EM STAR Grants program is to support faculty scholarship and pilot projects to advance faculty academic efforts as well as departmental missions. Grants will focus on research and scholarship that contribute to knowledge that advances clinical practice, education science, basic science knowledge, and patient safety/quality in emergency medicine. The goal is to support the development and execution of robust research programs for all faculty members
Funding Mechanism
Funds for this grant program will be provided through the Provost pilot grant funding. The amount available each year is $100,000.
Application Process
- Scientific Review Committee (SRC) will be comprised of research faculty, non-research faculty, and finance leadership. The SRC will meet quarterly to discuss proposals. Individual members of the committee will be asked to be primary, secondary, and tertiary reviewers of submitted proposals. When grant content requires external expertise we will invite guest members to the committee.
- Pre-Grant Submission process is optional but will allow individuals and their mentors to meet with a member of the SRC to obtain guidance regarding proposals and planned research.
- A Mentor and Research Staff meeting is required and can be combined with above. Briefly, this step will help identify resources and develop a budget for the proposed work.
- External Review (TBD)
- SRC Review will involve independent review by 3 individuals. Scoring criteria will mirror NIH categories, replacing “Environment” with “Mentorship” and “Innovation” with “Potential to Advance Faculty Career”. Committee discussion will be followed by a decision (approval, revise & resubmit, or nonapproval). The committee will work with projects that did not receive approval to determine how work can be restructured and supported by the department.
- Reporting will involve interim (every 6 months) and final reports as well as submission of a manuscript or patent.
Budget guidelines
Budget support will include requests for funds (e.g., consumables, software, data access) and human resources. The following services require requests for funding: research coordination, database management, data extraction, statistical support, patient screening and enrollment. The following do not require requests for funds: IRB preparation, data use agreement (DUA) preparation, grant preparation support, grant/project reports. Requests for research coordination should specify the level of assistance required and should include request for oversight if requesting junior (undergrad, RC1) support. Note that OPS assistance will be reflected as funds, whereas more senior staff will be reflected as FTE since salaries state supported. This is also true for statistical support.