Please insert the following items completed from YOUR online promotion and tenure packet (OPT) accessed from myUFL
[Main Menu>My Self Service>UF Faculty Promotion & Tenure>Promotion & Tenure Packet]
* Please FIRST enter your publications directly into the OPT system >>myUFL>Main Menu>My Self Service>UF Faculty Promotion & Tenure>Faculty Activity>Publications
Follow instructions to “add a Publication”. You may designate an editor to enter all publications from your updated CV if you choose. After completing the entry of all published works and accepted publications, return to the main Promotion & Tenure page and open “Packet Template with Activity,” save the entire document as a Word document, and then complete the other items listed here.
Note - The numbers for the items in this document are the same as the numbered elements for the UF promotion and tenure packet.
You may delete all instructions from this document after completing your self-assessment, to provide a “clean” report.
If an item does not apply to you, enter “N/A” by the item number and delete any formatting that may follow (e.g. funding tables for item 18. If you do not have any items within item numbers, enter “none” by the item, e.g. 17. Lectures, a. international – none.
Educational and Clinical Portfolios should be included as appropriate (see template(s) at, faculty resources)
Briefly describe your assigned duties and responsibilities.
Briefly describe your area(s) of specialization.
Briefly describe (in no more than 750 words) your teaching, advising, professional responsibilities (Librarians), and/or instructional accomplishments, including, as appropriate, curriculum and course development, service as a graduate or undergraduate coordinator, supervised research through credit courses, and the development of new courses, CD ROMs, educational software and multimedia materials. Include your role as a mentor/advisor for students and trainees with resulting publications and presentations.
Undergraduate instructional activities may include supervision of honors thesis and research projects.
Syllabi, course examinations and other materials used in classroom instruction should be made available at all levels for review as needed or requested. Do not include them in the packet (except for those cases covered in Section 11).
Briefly (in no more than 750 words) explain your research/creative contribution to your discipline.
(include only if pertinent – rarely the case for the College of Medicine). Do not duplicate teaching or clinical innovations.
(include only if pertinent) Include date(s) with each item and give an indication of the significance of its (their) contribution to the profession/discipline
List all presentations, and indicate if the presentation was invited. List all presentations considered as Grand Rounds given within and external to the Institution. Insert each into the appropriate category. In determining which sub-category to use, consider the target audience, location of the presentation, type of conference, etc. The location alone does not determine the designation; e.g. an international conference may be held in Orlando, FL and would be correctly classified as “international”, not “state”. Lectures, speeches, or posters presented by postdoctoral associates, graduate students, or others under your supervision should be summarized or discussed in Section 9.
Contracts and Grants
Use the format as specified (obtain this information from the division or department grants administrator if necessary):
Provide a listing of each externally funded grant, including the title and effective dates of the contract/grant, the amount of the award, the percentage assigned to you, the name of the external funding agency, and your role, i.e., P.I., co-P.I. (including percentage responsibility), Senior Personnel, Investigator or Sponsor. No other roles should be included in this list. If applicable, the list should include funding received while employed by another institution.
Provide an overall Summary, by Role, of the information from the list in a.1. above:
A short narrative explanation of external grant funding may be included.
Provide a listing of each UF- funded grant, including the title and effective dates, the amount of your award, the name of the internal funding unit, and your role, i.e., P.I., co-P.I. (including percentage responsibility), Senior Personnel, Investigator, or Sponsor. No other roles should be included on this list.
Provide an overall Summary, by Role, of the information from the list in b.1. above:
A short narrative explanation of internal funding may be included.
Provide a list that includes the date of submission and other relevant information as in 18.a, including if a resubmission.
Provide a list that includes the date of submission, amount of proposal, name of agency, proposed role of nominee. Indicate any resubmissions.
University Governance and Service
This area should include information regarding the nominee’s service to the university such as membership on university, college, and department/center committees. Put “None” under all subheadings where you have nothing to report. Use this area to describe your current contribution in administration and service to the Department, the College of Medicine, the hospital, or university in any of the missions of the College of Medicine. Please specify formal roles including formal departmental appointments, formal participation in committees, or involvement in work groups or task forces (this may include recruitment of students, residents, fellows, or faculty).
Please describe any contributions to the clinical mission of the department. This might include process or patient management improvement or quality imporvement committee service. Where possible, please include outcome measures.
Editor of Scholarly Journals, Service on Editorial Advisory Boards, Reviewer for Scholarly Journals
Indicate whether you were an editor, served on an editorial advisory board, or were a reviewer; the name of the journal or publication, the date(s) of service; and the approximate amount of reviewing/editing you did. Put “None” in every category and subcategory for which you have no entries.
International Activities
Briefly describe teaching, research, and service activities in light of their significance for your scholarly career.
Membership and Activities in the Profession
Use this area to communicate your contributions to your profession including memberships in professional societies and organizations. When listing memberships, be sure to include committee memberships and offices held. Examples of independent professional contributions would include giving testimony to a congressional committee or serving as a reviewer for grants. All listings must indicate dates of service.
List those honors, awards and prizes received as part of your professional career.
Describe any mentoring you have done in the past year including mentoring of undergraduate or medical students, residents, or fellows. This may include the shadowing program. Be specific and list individual students.
Additional Information
Include any other information you wish to be considered, including publications submitted (indicate submitted or not-accepted, do not list articles “in preparation”):
Please describe any community services provided under the umbrella of your employment at the University of Florida (free access clinics, participation in high school or undergraduate mentoring programs, etc. - other than clinical shadowing).
Please identify any specific contributions to the diversity mission of UF Health.
Describe your goals and objectives for the past academic year. Describe accomplishments in meeting these objectives. What do you see as your most important contributions?
Describe career development activities completed during the last academic year (this may include CME activity).
Provide a statement outlining the strengths and weaknesses of your portfolio and your plans for the coming year(s). Indicate when you are considering entering the tenure/promotion cycle.
Outline 2-3 goals for the coming year that will help you achieve excellence in your major mission area.
(please provide a digitial signature by tying your name)
MM slash DD slash YYYY