Melanie Blackburn Wins Superior Accomplishment Award

“The University of Florida 2021-2022 Superior Accomplishment Awards program recognizes faculty and staff who have shown efficiency or economy in their work, have contributed outstanding and meritorious service, or who have improved the quality of life provided to students and employees. Each winner was nominated by supervisors, peers or customers who wrote glowing letters of recommendation on their behalf.” -David R. Nelson, M.D. (Senior Vice President for Health Affairs, UF; President, UF Health)

The Department of Emergency Medicine is pleased to announce that one of our own—our Assistant Director of Finance & Reporting, Melanie Blackburn—was chosen as one of this year’s Superior Accomplishment Award winners among the six health colleges at UF. Aside from receiving a cash award, a framed certificate and a commemorative coffee mug, Melanie (or “Mel”, as we call her) has been recognized publicly for who we all know her to be privately.

Melanie Blackburn accepting award

In the letters of recommendation submitted by supervisors, colleagues and direct reports to nominate Melanie for this award, the praises of her superior leadership and character—along with her wealth of knowledge and commitment to transparency—run wide. Her contributions to overall staff and physician wellness, job satisfaction, departmental solidarity and efficiency, and equity in all respects have not gone unnoticed by anyone that works with her. As one colleague put it, “Her work ethic is beyond reproach, and her work product far exceeds expectations every time.”

Dr. Mary Patterson, our newly appointed Chairwoman, writes, “Ms. Melanie Blackburn personifies the quiet hero that elevates our institution”.

As a department, we are very proud to celebrate this acknowledgment together, as we continue to strive alongside Melanie to make our corner of the world a better place.