Cristina M. Zeretzke-Bien, M.D., FAAP, FACEP, assistant professor in the department of emergency medicine, was recently elected to the University of Florida Faculty Senate. She was one of seven faculty members from the College of Medicine to be elected.
The UF Faculty Senate is the UF legislative body, providing a forum for mutual exchange of ideas between senior officers and faculty. The Senate legislates on matters that concern more than one college, school, or other major academic unit, or that are otherwise of general university interest. As a faculty senator, Zeretske-Bien will be a voting member of the legislative body and will attend all meetings while acting in the best interest of UF and the department.
Zeretzke-Bien is the medical director of the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE) program and works clinically in the Department of Emergency Medicine as a pediatric emergency medicine physician.